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Let’s all walk together on the Divinely guided path of peace, love and harmony. It really worries me to see the hideous, obnoxious things happening on our beautiful planet Earth. Whether it is a day to say crime in the cities all over the world or mass attack such as Yazidis genocide, Sydney siege, Peshawar school attack, Kashmir attack and so on… It’s really sad and unfortunate that the list seems to be endless and go on and on… I hope and pray that people do realize the value of life and consider it as a beautiful and a precious gift of GOD given to us to celebrate, spread happiness and be in a harmony with each other… As my Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says Life is Joy, Life is Love and Life is Enthusiasm. When I see and read about the people harming each other I really feel worried and at the same time sad too, because to me they all these people out there seem to be deviated from the correct path of their religion. No matter if they are Muslim, Hindu, Christian, or belong to some other religion, but I am pretty sure no religion teaches dishonoring of one another, encourage killings of human and animals and encourage violence. One should not forget that we all are the children of the One God we just call Divine with a different name just in the same way as God has created the diversity for all us in form of variation in Nature, Species and etc. in the same way we have also given the joy of Diversity to GOD by calling God with different names. But, after all we are one and from the same creator so how can we destroy our own things? Would you ever think of harming your loved ones? Your Family members? No Right! Then, how can we kill our fellow beings and give them trauma and create a circumstance to grievances. Try your best to spread happiness and smiles, help people whenever you see them in need, wherever you see conflict go and talk to them, the dialogue has a lot of power and we have the power of creating Heaven on Earth by living in peace and honoring each other tradition and values. Know that belief could be different across the globe, but after all values are same in every religion, in every culture and in a every tradition which is to stay and spread Peace and Harmony.